Banner Advertising - Testimonials

“The Facial Rejuvenation Clinic have been using MySuperAds (Display) for the past 12 months. We started initially with Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns specifically for Google Adwords. To date we have had great results with Click/Lead rates averaging around 8% across all campaigns."

"We have recently added the new MySuperAds Banner Campaign System, with its clever remarketing attributes. It has certainly contributed beyond all expectations, with a 90% increase in our organic search volumes and a 50% increase in Click/lead rates of our PPC."

"Thanks to MySuperAd’s innovative method for tracking leads, we know exactly how many clients have called or emailed because of these campaigns and can confidently say that our current PPC campaign is delivering over $10 of revenue for every $1 invested in the campaign."

Dr Garry Cussell, CEO The Facial Rejuvenation Clinic